
Donald Trump just provided the first detailed education proposal of his campaign

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has taken aim at supporters of Republican rival Donald Trump, saying half of them belong in a “basket of deplorables” as people who are racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, or Islamophobic.


Under her plan, students with existing student loan debt would be able to refinance, and Clinton promises a three-month moratorium on payments to allow those in debt to take steps to reduce their monthly payments.

‘Every day that goes by this just becomes more and more of a reality television show, ‘ Clinton said.

Meanwhile in New York, Clinton met national security and foreign policy experts supporting her campaign to discuss terrorism.

The Democratic nominee for president was speaking at a fundraiser in NY on Friday night when she said, “to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables”. The current average of polls by website RealClearPolitics puts her at 45.6 percent support, compared to Trump’s 42.8 percent.

“I would never comment on any aspect of an intelligence briefing I received”, Clinton, a former secretary of state, said before boarding her campaign plane. Some say we needn’t worry about Trump’s authoritarian impulse because Congress will keep it in check.

“I will also support merit pay for teachers so that we reward our best teachers instead of the failed tenure system that rewards bad teachers and punishes the good ones”, he said.

Trump, speaking on Friday at the conservative Value Voters summit in Washington, painted Clinton as a “massive failure” while she was America’s top diplomat from 2009 to early 2013, blaming her for the turmoil in the Middle East.

An FBI investigation found that she sent unsecured emails with classified material through the server, but ultimately recommended that she not be prosecuted.

The comment was reminiscent of Trump’s January description of the loyalty of his supporters.

Clinton said Republicans holding or seeking office across the country should be pressed on whether they agree with Trump’s comments, including his views on Putin and US generals that surfaced during the forum. “It’s like incredible”, he said. At the NY restaurant, Clinton bemoaned the people she described as “deplorables”, saying “unfortunately there are people like that”. And he has lifted them up.

Humans of NY is a popular website that shares individual photos and stories from the everyday people who live in the Big Apple. He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric.

He added that millions of Americans support the Republican nominee because, “they are sick of corrupt career politicians like Hillary Clinton”. Trump’s supporters are especially enthusiastic: 75% say they’re more interested in this year’s face-offs than in previous years, compared with 58% of Clinton’s supporters.

She described them as “people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they’re just desperate for change”.

“No conversation about our national security would be complete unless we acknowledged that the nominee on the other side promises to do things that will make us less safe”, Clinton told reporters.


Trump, who has never held elected office, has criticized Clinton’s judgment, attacking her vote in favor of the 2003 Iraq war and her support for the US intervention in Libya in 2011. Trump has criticized Clinton’s record in public office and questioned her honesty and qualifications for the White House. “And I watched as people jumped, and I watched the second plane come in”, he said during a campaign stop in Columbus, Ohio in November 2015.

Donald Trump just provided the first detailed education proposal of his campaign