
Video shows Hillary Clinton appearing to faint while getting in van

The video of Clinton posted to social media shows her being held up by aides as a black van pulls up.


Hillary Clinton left a 9/11 anniversary event early on Sunday in NY after feeling ill, according to multiple reports.

According to the latest figures, Clinton holds a 46 per cent to 41 per cent “edge” over Trump but both candidates have had a loss of reputation with more than six in 10 voters saying they were unable to place complete faith in either of the candidates.

Trump has repeatedly questioned Clinton’s health, telling supporters last month she “lacks the mental and physical stamina” to serve as president and fight Islamic State militants. The Clinton campaign did not respond to repeated requests for comment about the authenticity of the video. Without much in the way of facts and a strong Clinton denial, those theories have been generally dismissed, as outlined in this New Yorker article.

“It was not hot”, he said in an interview. I’m certainly feeling better already.

The statement says Clinton became overheated at the 9/11 event and dehydrated, but is now rehydrated. “Mrs. Clinton also tested negative for all clotting disorders”, the doctor said in a statement recently released by Clinton’s campaign. Neither Clinton or Trump have released anything approaching that level of detail.

Dr. Harold Bornstein’s report last December remains the only medical information released so far by the Trump campaign. He later told NBC News it took him just five minutes to write it.

Surrogates for Mr. Trump have been even more direct in accusing Ms. Clinton of suffering from serious neurological problems. John McCain is the only recent major party nominee to have broken the tradition, allowing a small group of reporters to scrutinize over 1,100 pages of his medical records during the 2008 presidential election.

Clinton had a medical examination when she got back to her home in Chappaqua, New York, according to a campaign aide. Clinton would be the second oldest, at 69 just about 8 months younger than Reagan. It advances a narrative (as unfair as it may have previously been) put forth by Donald Trump and his supporters about her state of health. Our “concept of old”, he stressed, has changed. Clinton herself has said she was surprised by the illness, because she had not experienced anything like it before.

“We should probably assume that a significant proportion of political leaders over the age of 65 have impairment of executive function”, Mark Fisher, a professor of neurology and political science at the University of California, wrote in a published paper previous year.

The Clinton campaign has accused opponents of pushing a “deranged conspiracy about Clinton’s health”.


Clinton’s departure from the event was not witnessed by the reporters who travel with her campaign. She drank water and took a lozenge at the podium, going on to finish her remarks. But he also has said he would suspend Muslim immigration into the United States, a policy he later tried to amend by saying he’d temporarily ban immigration from “areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we fully understand how to end these threats”. Trump, who famously dines regularly on fast food, has said he gets most of his exercise from playing golf and speaking at a podium during his campaign rallies.

Dramatic footage shows Hillary Clinton's knees buckle when 'fainting' at 9/11 event