
Louis CK calls radio show to defend NYC mayor [Audio]

De Blasio lives in Gracie Mansion on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, but he still commutes many days to the gym near his former house in Park Slope, Brooklyn.


Jeff Bachner/for New York Daily News Mayor de Blasio (pictured) was criticized last week for staying at the Park Slope YMCA and working out after Lt. James Hayes was shot in Staten Island.

“I’m sure it’s tough to find time to hit the gym when you’re mayor, but that can’t supersede the obligation to act appropriately as the head of our city”, he added.

“Hi there. You know I really like this mayor and it’s bothered me that there’s sort of a culture of clickbait in the news right now, that only little negative stories get attention and the idea that the criticism of this mayor is that he doesn’t go out and hold rallies to prove how great he’s doing, and that he doesn’t exert a massive effort that other mayors have to have the perception of how well he’s doing…” He comes on at the 18:38 mark.

Tyree also shot Lt. James Hayes, 53, a 13-year FDNY veteran of Staten Island’s Engine 158, twice when Hayes entered Tyree’s home to investigate a smoke grenade that Tyree had set off. De Blasio’s spokeswoman said then that mayor was speaking to his police and fire commissioners by phone.

That broad mandate, outlined in a May 5 email obtained by The Associated Press, could give de Blasio’s office control over virtually all newsworthy Freedom of Information Law requests from journalists, watchdog groups or members of the public. “We welcome concerned citizen comedians of all political stripes”.

Lehrer took a name from an individual named “Louis from the Village” throughout his episode the place he and two reporters mentioned Mayor Bill de Blasio’s reputation in mild of the Legionnaires’ illness outbreak and ongoing rift with Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

“Crime is down, number of jobs is up, test scores for our schools are up, the amount of afforable housing being created [is up]”, he said.


“I’m a little disappointed in the New York Times, which is my newspaper, for writing an article that says those things accumulate to a real negative”, the caller said.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio delivers the keynote address for the University of Nebraska in Omaha Neb. A memo obtained by The Associated Press shows the mayor has taken steps to have his lawyers review pub