
Robert Griffin III confident in his ability

Even though he isn’t yet considered an elite quarterback, Robert Griffin III is confident that he is the NFL’s top passer.


In a recent interview with WJLA-TV, Griffin held onto his personal belief that he is the best quarterback in the league, stating that “I don’t feel like I have to come out here and show anybody anything or why I’m better than this guy or better than that guy”.

In return, I would only ask that he and everyone else agree that I am the most goodest thinker of deep and undisputedable football stuff that ever was borned. If you play professional sports, then you should strive to be the absolute best every single time you step on the field. Maybe it was all about his athleticism after all, and his vision and ability to make plays relied solely on that? You don’t want to concede if you’re competing at the highest level. In short? No where near the best quarterback in the NFL. It’s very interesting to hear that side of his mental side of the game.

Does Griffin actually think he is a better quarterback than Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady?

ESPN talked about that quote in the middle of the day.

Meanwhile, coach Jay Gruden has expressed that game-changing quarterbacks are rarities in the league and suggested that pressure to succeed hurt RGIII development. But who really read the full context? He also has a habit of looking at his receivers. “And I’m not going to make any apologies for that”.

In 2013, Griffin was returning from multiple torn ligaments in his knee but played the first 13 games before being removed from the lineup. When you work that hard, you expect to be great. “I look forward to seeing my baby girl and my wife when I get back home”.

The last two years have been a struggle, and a revelation for Griffin, who said playing in the NFL is not what he expected.


The injury to Redd puts pressure on Morris to handle the heavy workload as he enters the final year of his contract. That said, he is aware that each and every time he methods out there, he “has to actually prove” he’s the team’s best decision.

Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III talks with Tony Wyllie the team's senior vice president for communications after NFL football practice Tuesday Aug. 18 2015 in Ashburn Va