
Before and after videos show Clinton’s stumble at 9/11 memorial

The paper appeared particularly disturbed that when Clinton did emerge from her daughter’s Manhattan apartment a few hours after the incident she brushed off the health concerns by declaring “it was a handsome day in NY”.


She later emerged from her daughter’s NY residence and tried to reassure people outside, saying “I’m feeling great”. Her campaign Friday said Clinton will discuss her “vision for an America that is stronger together and to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top”.

During a follow-up evaluation of her prolonged cough on Friday, “she was diagnosed with pneumonia”.

The Clinton campaign has released a letter from her doctor describing the candidate as being in “excellent health”, but providing little supporting detail.

The candidate was attending the ceremony at the September 11 memorial in Manhattan on the 15th anniversary of the deadly terror attacks.

Bardack added: “While at this morning’s event, she became overheated and dehydrated”.

As the video emerged, Clinton emerged from her daughter’s apartment, waving to reporters and saying she was feeling great.

The incident, which took place 90-minutes after her arrival at the event, is likely to fuel further speculation about the 68-year-old’s medical history and current health status. Later Clinton, coming out of her daughter’s apartment, waved and smiled to the people waiting outside. Dr Lisa R Bardack said Ms Clinton is now “recovering nicely” at home. She stumbled as she tried to get into a van. She also has suffered public coughing fits, which the campaign has blamed on allergies that Clinton treats with antihistamines. Clinton also has experienced deep vein thrombosis, a clot usually in the leg, and takes the blood thinner Coumadin to prevent new clots.

Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonSecret Service defends protection of Clinton during health scare Doctor: Clinton has pneumonia, was dehydrated and overheated Sunday Washington wonders: What would a Trump Pentagon look like?

Democratic Representative Joe Crowley of NY, a Clinton supporter who attended the event, told Reuters that it was “incredibly, stiflingly hot” during the ceremony.

Videos spread quickly online showing Clinton stumbling into a black van before leaving a memorial event early in New York City. Asked by a reporter about Ms Clinton’s health incident, he said: “I don’t know anything”.

Mr Trump recently released a four-paragraph statement from his gastroenterologist, written last December, which states that if he wins office “Mr Trump. will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”.


The doctor, Harold Bornstein, later admitted that he “rushed” off the letter in five minutes, trying to make Trump “happy”.
