
Clinton says Trump anti-IS strength is ‘phony’

“Clinton holds a 46 percent to 41 percent edge over Trump among likely voters, followed by Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson at 9 percent and the Green Party’s Jill Stein at 2 percent”.


Hillary Clinton abruptly left a 9/11 anniversary ceremony Sunday morning after feeling “overheated”, according to her campaign.

After facing criticism about the tone and accuracy of these comments, he at first characterized them as “inelegantly stated”, then a couple of weeks later commented: “I said something that’s just completely wrong”. At the New York restaurant, Clinton bemoaned the people she described as “deplorables”, saying “unfortunately there are people like that”. She drank water and took a lozenge at the podium, going on to finish her remarks.

Before her collapsing, Clinton was seen talking to New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and standing next to the state’s governor, Andrew Cuomo.

Clinton’s departure from the event was not witnessed by the reporters who travel with her campaign.

Fox News initially quoted an identified law enforcement official as saying Clinton left the memorial ceremony due to a “medical episode”.

New York temperatures on Sunday were in the low 80s, with humidity in the mid-40s. If these people can be dismissed from American political discourse, she doesn’t have to pay any attention to their cares, concerns, fears, hopes, political perceptions-or, for that matter, their lives.

Phyllis Schlafly died Monday at 92 anni, she became an iconic figure in the conservative movement for her battles against feminists in the 1970’s, and her fight to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment. As The Inquisitr recently reported, the latest Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project says that Clinton has an 83 percent chance of winning the election by 47 votes in the Electoral College.

‘Any of these four states could awaken a fault line in what is looking more and more like a shake-up election with more states being up for grabs, ‘ Miringoff said.

By focusing his attacks on Mrs Clinton, he has been able to reinforce voters’ concerns about her without damaging himself in the process.

It’s deplorable that Trump has built his campaign largely on prejudice and paranoia and given a national platform to hateful views and voices, including by retweeting fringe bigots with a few dozen followers and spreading their message to 11 million people. Once upon a time, political candidates needed the mainstream media in order to connect with their constituencies.

The singer’s rendition of “Send in the Clowns” tore into Trump.

Clinton’s remarks were aired as she and Trump, her Republican rival and a New York native, visited the memorial to the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers.

For decades carnival barkers, rainmakers, and dictators have used these same tactics; read your audience and tell them what they want to hear, appeal to fear and helplessness (America is in terrible shape, and unsafe), inflame anger and direct it at your target (Mexican immigrants are rapists and killers, the election is rigged, Muslims are potential terrorists, and Hillary is crooked), offer yourself or your product as the only solution (only I can make America great again). In 2008, then-Sen. Barack Obama agreed to a protective pool in June, just weeks after he had secured the Democratic nomination.

Clinton’s health has been a lingering source of speculation among her critics, dating to well before she announced her second White House campaign.

That didn’t stop Trump and his allies from insisting Clinton denigrated everyone in the Republican’s camp.


Trump’s son Eric posted a photo on Twitter of his father’s supporters packed into a sports arena for a late Friday rally.

NEW YORK NY- SEPTEMBER 09 Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during he LGBT for Hillary Gala at Cipriani Club