
Hilary Clinton: I regret saying half of Donald Trump supporters are deplorable

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, second from right, departs after attending a ceremony at the Sept. 11 memorial, in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016, on the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.


Republicans, buoyed by tightening poll numbers, said the slip will haunt Democrats down the homestretch.

When President Obama was elected and the racist hate started I wrote that I was glad Hillary Rodham Clinton hadn’t won because I could just imagine the bad insults that she would have to endure as a mere woman.

In a statement backtracking somewhat on her remarks, Mrs Clinton said: “Last night I was “grossly generalistic, ‘ and that’s never a good idea”.

Clinton’s comments on Trump were in response to a question asking whether, if elected, she will use the phrase “war on radical Islam”, unlike the Obama administration.

Clinton’s comment could nevertheless end up being a boon to Trump.

Clinton then said some of these people were “irredeemable” and “not America”. I regret saying ‘half”-that was wrong”. “People heard what she said”, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee Republican, said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week”. A campaign spokesman says she was feeling “overheated” and left the event early. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people – now how 11 million.

Mrs Clinton reiterated that point on Saturday, saying many Trump supporters are “hard-working Americans” who feel marginalised. But reporters traveling with her campaign were not allowed in and did not see her.

The episode was also sure to fuel a vocal group of online conspiracy theorists, deemed “healthers” by some Clinton supporters, who point to videos and photos of Clinton as evidence of her poor health.

“And their supporters appear to make up half his crowd, when you observe the tone of his events”. “He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric”.

Federal convicts told a judge they were forced to watch Hillary Clinton’s convention speech at the federal prison where they’re being held – but said the prison imposed a blackout on Donald Trump’s speech, tuning the facility’s televisions to other channels.

Clinton is still favored to win 17 states, including many with large, urban populations such as New York, New Jersey and California that heavily influence the outcome of the election.

When we wake up on November 9, wondering whether Mr. Trump will wear the fake tan to his inauguration, remember that Clinton, like Marie and one at before her, said that from the perspective of the elite, The people can eat cake if they have no bread.

“This is a snapshot of where the race stands just after Labor Day, the traditional beginning of the presidential race’s serious phase”, said Doug Kaplan, the managing partner of Gravis Marketing, the Florida-based firm that executed the poll. Obviously not everyone supporting Trump is part of the alt right, but alt right leaders are with Trump.

Trump Republicans have seized on the phrase to portray Clinton as an elitist liberal who is contemptuous of the less-fortunate, forcing her to walk back and express regrets for what some are calling her “47 per cent” moment – a reference to 2012 Republican candidate, Mitt Romney who spoke down to those he thought lived on government dole in the US.


“The comments need to be dissected and put into context”, said Symone Sanders, a Democratic strategist and former spokeswoman for Clinton’s primary opponent, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

Democratic presidental nominee Hillary Clinton is seen earlier during the memorial ceremony in New York