
See how unpopular Clinton and Trump are now

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is leading Donald Trump by seven percentage points, a latest poll has said, while another survey projected her trailing the Republican candidate by a wafer-thin one point margin.


A new poll finds that more voters trust Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to do a better job on health care issues, from Medicare to medical costs.

Libertarian nominee Gary JohnsonGary JohnsonNational poll shows Clinton with 7-point lead The Hill’s 12:30 Report Gary Johnson has serious problems with term “illegal immigrant” MORE got 7 percent, and Green Party nominee Jill Steins got 3 percent. The poll also found Trump has an advantage among white men, but Clinton has a bigger lead among white women.

Clinton’s support has been trending down from a high of 44% in early August just after the Democratic National Convention. Around 56 percent said that they did not favor Trump, while 53 percent said that they did not prefer Clinton.

“Donald Trump’s divisive rhetoric continues to drive voters away from him and the Republican Party and has created new opportunities for Democrats up and down the ticket”, Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager, said in a statement.

However, among likely voters, McGinty’s lead grew from 39 to 38 percent last month to 43 percent to 38 percent, with almost one in five voters still undecided.

In July, Clinton led Trump, 47 to 34 percent, when Johnson and Stein were included in F&M’s poll. Trump, who collected $82 million for his campaign and the GOP during a strong showing in July, has not released his numbers for August. However, they’re neck-and-neck among registered voters, with Toomey getting the advantage, 37 to 36 percent.

A Monmouth University poll this seek showed Clinton holding an 8-point edge in Pennsylvania.

But this year, with the unpopular Trump at the top of the ticket, flagging enthusiasm for the Republican Party in the state and a rapidly growing Latino population in Arizona, the Clinton campaign believes the state may be worth the bet.

While Clinton world is making this foray into the two states, Priorities USA, her top dollar super PAC, maintains that it has no plans to spend in Arizona.

And don’t expect major movement in the race over the next few weeks, as most Clinton (87 percent) and Trump (88 percent) supporters feel certain in their choice. Meanwhile, white registered voters who do not have a college degree chose Trump over Clinton by 23 points.


The Reuters/Ipsos poll is conducted online in English in all 50 states.

Poll: More voters trust Clinton on health care