
Trump blasts Clinton ‘deplorables’ comment

Now heeding that advice, Clinton canceled part of her West coast swing and will call into a San Francisco fundraiser this evening. “On Friday, during follow-up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia”.


A video posted on Twitter shows Hillary Clinton from behind held closely by a member of her staff, before slumping and being helped into a waiting van as she leaves the 9/11 memorial service in NY.

The secrecy surrounding Clinton’s recent health was made all the more notable by doctors who said Sunday that a presidential candidate was an apt candidate for a pneumonia infection, which is commonly treated quickly and effectively with antibiotics.

On Friday, Clinton told donors that “half” of rival Donald Trump’s supporters are in a “basket of deplorables” – a comment that drew sharp criticism from Republicans.

‘So you don’t know if it was him or some other doctor?’ Halperin followed up. If Hillary can’t generate any joy for herself, then what she needs to do is remind her supporters that voting for her will give all those other people you hate-all the ‘phobes, all the bigots-a giant sad.

Dr. Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease expert and senior associate at the UPMC Center for Health Security in Pittsburgh who is not treating Clinton, said recovery from pneumonia can vary from about a week to longer, depending on the severity.

Hillary Clinton holds a 46% to 41% lead over Donald Trump among likely voters – with Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson at 9% and the Green Party’s Jill Stein at 2% – a new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows. “I really don’t know what’s going on”.

“Personally, when I heard it, I thought that it was not something that was within the realm of possibility that she would have said it”. Amid press confusion and reports of a “medical episode”, she went to her daughter’s Manhattan apartment to rest. She has since apologies for being “grossly generalistic”.

“This last week, I took a physical and I’ll be releasing, when the numbers come in …”

The Republican nominee told “Fox and Friends” that he had a physical examination last week. “So with every breath I take, I feel like I have a new lease on life”, Clinton said. I would think it would’ve been.

Clinton’s bout of pneumonia, kept secret until she almost collapsed on Sunday, has raised an element of uncertainty about her health going into the final weeks of presidential campaigning and risks feeding a narrative from rival Trump about her stamina.

Clinton has so far released more details about her health than Trump.

Republican Donald Trump appears to have carved out a wider path to the White House as a number of states including Florida and OH are no longer considered likely wins for Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project released over the weekend.


Trump said he hoped that she recovered soon and returned to the campaign trail.

Clinton says 'Deplorables' comment is 'grossly generalistic'