
Trump Breaks Silence on Clinton Health Problems: ‘I Hope She Gets Well’

Her campaign managers later explained that what she meant to say was “some” of the Mr. Trump supporters are “deplorables” and the campaign stood by that position. Clinton’s doctor said she was “overheated”.


Clinton, who has said she is the candidate to unify a divided country, made the “deplorables” comment at an LGBT fundraiser Friday night at a New York City restaurant, with about 1,000 people in attendance.

The ad lets the camera linger on groups of Trump supporters while a female voice says, “You know what’s deplorable?”

Hillary Clinton yesterday left the 9/11 anniversary ceremony abruptly after feeling unwell.

Zoe Taylor Jr., a senior theatre, history and telecommunications major, agreed and believes it’s still campaigning even though the candidates say they won’t physically campaign on 9/11.

According to another poll, the two presidential candidates are tied in four key battleground States of Arizona, Georgia, New Hampshire and Nevada.

She had been speaking at an LGBT event in NY on Friday when she made the apparent gaffe.

Trump said Monday on CNBC that he fears he won’t be treated fairly. Today, Trump is already complaining that the moderators will be “very unfair” because they will go “really hard” on him. “Like you, I see what I see”, Trump told the Fox News panel.

Clinton’s “narrower advantage among likely voters, just beyond the poll’s 4.5 percentage-point margin of error, could reflect weaker engagement among her supporters”, the Washington Post said in its report on the poll.

Hillary Clinton said Saturday that she was wrong to put half of Donald Trump’s supporters in a “basket of deplorables“, but she didn’t back down from describing his campaign as largely built on prejudice and. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic - you name it”. She apologized for her “gross generalization” but did not let Trump get away.

The comment was reminiscent of Trump’s January description of the loyalty of his supporters.

Trump has refused to release his tax returns – which would show how much he gives in charity – though his campaign said that he “plans to release his tax returns upon completion of a routine audit”.

“I’ll be releasing, when the numbers come”.

He said: “Hopefully they’re going to be good”.

Mike Pence condemned her comments, saying that they should be “denounced in the strongest possible terms”.

The pneumonia disclosure was made public hours after her campaign said she had become “overheated” to explain why, knees buckling and unsteady, she was rushed from a ceremony marking the September 11, 2001, attacks in NY. But he also said “I don’t know what’s going on” with Clinton’s health and that he would be releasing results of a physical he had last week.

“Her current level of health transparency is not sustainable”.


Trump also expected to hammer Clinton over the “deplorables” line when he speaks in Baltimore on Monday afternoon, a campaign official said.

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during his rally at the Pensacola Bay Center