
New Human Case Of West Nile Virus Confirmed In Mississippi

According to the Department of Health’s website, there have been 10 additional West Nile and two additional Zika cases confirmed.


The man was over 40 and had other underlying medical conditions, officials said.

Bassett says West Nile can especially affect people 60 and over and those with weakened immune systems.

The occurrence of West Nile Virus is more prevalent in the late summer and fall months when people gather at outside events or simply enjoying their backyards.

The mosquitoes, found in Jeffersonville and Charlestown, were collected during normal batch testing by Clark County Health Department employees and sent to the Indiana State Department of Health for testing.

– Sleep under a mosquito net if you’re outdoors or in an area without door and window screens. In rare cases, it can be fatal. There were 30 cases diagnosed in the city previous year, according to Health Department numbers, and 12 in 2014. The best way to avoid West Nile Virus is to prevent mosquito bites by using insect repellents.

The city’s health department announced Monday that a Brooklyn man was infected with the West Nile virus over the weekend.

There have been 550 positive tests for Zika virus in the city this year, but they are all travel-related, according to the city Health Department.


Zika has not been found in any mosquitos in NY.

Experts baffled by northern Colorado West Nile cases