
Trailer of Armenian Genocide themed “The promise” film available on the internet

Set during the last days of the Ottoman Empire, The Promise follows a love triangle between Michael (Oscar Isaac), a brilliant medical student, the attractive and sophisticated Ana (Charlotte le Bon), and Chris (Christian Bale) – a renowned American journalist based in Paris. Although Bale is a veteran actor, The Promise smartly includes the high rising star of Oscar Isaac, who had a great run in 2015 with Ex Machina, Star Wars: The Force Awakens and a Golden Globe award for his turn in Show Me a Hero. Michael Boghosian (Isaac), arrives in the cosmopolitan hub as a medical student determined to bring modern medicine back to Siroun, his ancestral village in Southern Turkey where Turkish Muslims and Armenian Christians have lived side by side for centuries. “Armenpress” reports the premier of the film will take place in September during Toronto global film festival. Canadian governments under both Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau have commemorated the genocide. Adding urgency to the debate, George said historians have established that denial of the Armenian genocide helped shape Hitler’s decision to invade Poland, a precursor to the Holocaust.


“We need to get beyond that diversionary discussion to why. And how do we move on from that and how do you reconcile these two nations again?” George said epic war movies with love stories in them like Gone With the Wind, Reds and The Killing Fields are crucial to allowing viewers to see historical events from the inside, and not just history books or news accounts.


– With files from The Associated Press.

Courtesy of TIFF