
Sarah Palin to Greta: I’m ‘So Happy’ with Trump

Trump can be so outrageous that Cruz comes of as – gulp – a moderate, at least by comparison.


This is either the shrewdest tactic among all GOP contenders or the most disingenuous – if not both – but Cruz remains a very viable candidate with a real chance, so it’s worth a serious look. And Cruz has been nice.

Palin was then asked about whether Trump’s plan doesn’t do enough to address visa overstays and how he would deal with it. She answered, “Well, he’s talking big picture, of course, plus specifics, thankfully, more specifics than any other candidate by the way”. They say Trump is paying the usual rental fee. “[He] attracts the same types of voter”. Opinions expressed herein are the sole responsibility of the article’s author(s), or of the person(s) or organization(s) quoted therein, and do not necessarily represent those of American Clarion or Dakota Voice LLC.

Trump eschews the professional consultant class that’s proven so proficient at losing elections. But for Cruz’s more immediate intentions, this can be astoundingly wise. Cruz has raised close to $900,000 from some of the same donors who donated to Perry’s 2012 campaign.

Christie, who has a long-time acquaintance with Trump, is hedging his bets.

The number of Hillary Clinton emails flagged for potentially classified content has grown to more than 300, Fox News has learned – with the potential to grow even more as officials scramble to screen the documents.

DONALD TRUMP: We will work with them.

“I like Donald Trump”.

There are no direct payments for voter data shown in the Trump campaign’s early FEC filing; however, those purchases may have been made by consultants.

Born-again Christians receive special attention, starting with the Cruz campaign launch at Liberty University in March.

“Yes”, Trump said, pulling on the lapels of his jacket.

Clinton’s presidential campaign has insisted she never exchanged emails marked classified at the time while secretary of state. “The cost of your insurance is going through the roof”, said Trump.

I asked the Walker campaign if the governor thinks enforcing the laws and e-verify – addressing the “root problems” – would sufficiently curb illegal immigration and, as a result, that there wouldn’t be many children born to illegals and granted birthright citizenship, or whether the governor meant something different. It eventually happened in November 2013, when Cruz visited Trump Tower while on a fundraising swing through New York City.

Cruz met last week with about 100 people at the “Wildcatters Club”, the political arm of the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association, according to the Associated Press.

Just days later, Trump questioned whether Sen.


Putting politics aside, do Trump’s attack on McCain’s courage and service to country bother Cruz or not? And during the government shutdown in 2013, the two spoke by phone, Politico reported.

Hillary Clinton works to stay on message as GOP Candidates are forced to talk about immigration reform after Donald Trump released a detailed plan