
Trump on Hillary Clinton: “I Hope She Gets Well Soon”

But instead of coming out swinging like he often does, the plan is for him and his campaign aides to refrain from commenting on the bystanders’ videos that showed Clinton stumbling or collapsing as she was helped into her vehicle by staff and Secret Service agents, according to the people briefed on the strategy.


Clinton was being treated with antibiotics and had been “advised to rest and modify her schedule”, the doctor said.

The episode comes as her main rival, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, has attempted to call Clinton’s health into question, claiming that she “lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on ISIS” and that she has had to leave the campaign trail often to sleep. While at this morning’s event, she became overheated and dehydrated.

“Well, I really just don’t know, I hope she gets well soon”, Trump said when asked what caused Clinton’s episode.

Clinton exited the apartment on her own, wearing sunglasses and carrying a handbag. Her campaign has since canceled a two-day fundraising trip to California that also included a speech on the economy. The United States on Sunday commemorated the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

The incident compounds an already hard time for Clinton as the presidential race enters its final stretch. Trump called the “basket of deplorables” remark the “biggest mistake of the political season” and repeatedly said Clinton showed “anger” when she said it. “On Friday, during follow up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia”.

Trump also spoke about Clinton’s health, presumably to make sure the healthy candidate/sick candidate dichotomy is thoroughly seared into the minds of his supporters. Even though Clinton was notified of the pneumonia diagnosis Friday, she still made a decision to go forward with two fundraisers, a national security meeting and press conference and multiple media interviews.

“Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies”.

Clinton spent about 90 minutes at the 9/11 event Sunday, standing alongside numerous other dignitaries, including New York’s Democratic senators, Chuck Schumer and Kirstin Gillibrand.

The weather was described as in the low 80s and humid during the ceremony. “When Putin came back, he came back, with the view that his highest goal had to be to prevent what he considers to be the – his neighbourhood in Eastern and Central Europe all the way to Central Asia from falling under European Union and American influence”, she said. “She has to be at tons of events and seem very energetic”, Prof Lawless told AFP.

“It was stiflingly hot”. “I feel very, very committed to depriving ISIS of their so-called caliphate. I drank about a gallon of water”.

They said they found a blood clot on the brain and Mrs Clinton temporarily suffered from double vision.

Despite the intense focus on the Clinton’s falling ill, Arthur Caplan, a bioethicist at New York University Langone Medical Center, said the moment told voters little about Clinton’s physical fitness.

Clinton’s letter of health was almost two pages long and had standard lab results, while Trump’s was a few paragraphs with few details.

Pace reported from Washington.

So far, Trump has only released a brief letter from his physician that was light on details but said if elected, he would be “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”.


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