
McArthur|Should your Twitter past affect your professional future?

Calgary Nose Hill liberal candidate Ala Buzreba is in hot water after distasteful tweets from her teens came to light Tuesday morning.


Three hours later, after news reports were published online and the backlash escalated on social media, Buzreba formally apologized.

“The discussion shouldn’t be focused on me and my tweets, but rather it should be about what’s best for Canadians. I am confident this decision is the right decision for myself and for the people of Calgary Nose Hill”. Should your Twitter past affect your professional future?

Sheila Gunn Reid, who described herself as a “staunch conservative” on her Twitter bio, circulated one in which a tweet, seemingly sent by Buzreba, said her new haircut made her “look like a flipping lesbian”.

“I apologize without reservation for the comments I made a long time ago, as a teenager, but that is no excuse”, she wrote.

The 21-year-old Buzreba, who had been trying to unseat Conservative Michelle Rempel, initially responded to the backlash by tweeting she was young at the time that she wrote the offending messages and has since “learned a lot of lessons about social media”.

“They do not reflect my views, who I am as a person, or my deep respect for all communities in our country”.

Liberal leader Justin Trudeau says when someone makes a mistake, it’s important that they own up to it and apologize.


With the Twitterverse full of indignation and many calling for her to resign or be dropped, Buzreba responded with a mea culpa of sorts later Tuesday, chalking it all up to the follies of youth and saying she was excited to run for the party.

Calgary Nosehill liberal candidate is coming under fire after tweets like this one surfaced Tuesday