
Turkish Army Deploys Tanks on Syrian Border

The PKK had already said earlier in July that it was stepping up attacks and accused Turkey of violating a 2013 ceasefire. That morning the Islamists sent a rocket whizzing towards the nearby town of Makhmour, killing one civilian and injuring two.


The lawmakers said there were no rebel camps in the region and called for legal action against officials responsible for the attack.

The YPG is supported militarily by the US despite the fact that it is an offshoot of the PKK and consists mostly of its fighters.

Many say they have their answer: a new war.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the AK Party worry that these advances will embolden Turkey’s own Kurdish minority of 14 million and rekindle a three-decade-old conflict with the PKK, deemed a terrorist organization by Turkey, the US and the EU.

At least 36 people have now been killed in the renewed violence.

In Makhmour, 10 miles from the Isis front lines, Commander Aso denies that his guerrillas will be drawn away from the fight.

Several hundred people took to the streets of Paris to denounce what they deem to be anti-Kurdish policies by the Turkish government.

Within hours of the deal between the two countries, Turkey pretended to attack ISIS with a single air raid.

As well as PKK targets, Turkish jets have hit Islamic State insurgent positions in neighbouring Syria.

Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi, however, on Tuesday condemned the Turkish army’s cross-border campaign, urging Ankara to recognise its neighbour Iraq’s sovereignty, in remarks Turkey labelled “unacceptable”. The air-strikes against PKK bases in Mount Qandil in Iraqi Kurdistan were a prompt response from the Turkish military. He had regularly visited Ocalan in his Imrali island jail south of Istanbul.

“Erdogan is behind Isis massacres”. The PYD was emboldened enough to even consider capturing areas as far afield west as Aleppo, making the group’s ambitions of establishing a “self-governing zone” – along the Syrian-Turkish borders – a more feasible reality. Syrian Kurdish fighters were eventually assisted by coalition airstrikes.

On Wednesday, an American drone conducted the first strike from Incirlik on IS in Syria, a Turkish official told AFP. The Kurds immediately blamed Turkey because of its complicity in aiding Isis – assistance which has been well documented. The vast majority of these were pro-Kurdish or leftist political sites.

In comments to Milliyet newspaper published yesterday, he said that tactical PKK declarations on halting violence were unacceptable.

Indeed, the scope and scale of Turkey’s military intervention in Syria will be decided by many considerations, chief among them is the outcome of the ongoing negotiations to form a coalition government in Turkey. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we can not accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis.


Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of an Association of Southeast Asian Nations meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said the battle against the militants from the Turkish air base would begin soon, but didn’t elaborate.

Mehmet Ocalan brother of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan who's been in jail since 1999. Ocalan heads the PKK a Kurdish militia considered a terrorist organization by the Turkish government