
NASA astronaut captured footage of the Northern Lights from the worldwide

He had shared another video of aurora borealis from space back in June, as well as some still photographs. The astronaut has crossed the Aurora Borealis at a speed of 17,000 miles per hour and has captured breathtaking images. In his viral video, a rare view of the Northern Lights is seen from above the Earth’s surface.


Earlier this year, astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti became something of a household name thanks to her regular space tweets, which also led to us naming her as one of the 7 women in space you need to follow on Twitter.

The Northern Lights exhibited what seems like a magnificent lights show as the then active sun peeped through it. NASA astronaut Scott Kelly was able to capture it while aboard the ISS. The 10-second clip catches the spectacular moment right as the vibrant greens and violet swirls of light meet the blinding white of the sunrise. He accompanied his Twitter pics with a message indicating his 141 day in space.

The Verge reported that Scott Kelly and his Russian companion Mikhail Kornienko have nearly reached the half of their destination, having to spend another half year on ISS.


One thing is for certain, the Northern Lights appeared clearer than ever in the videos and the images that Kelly recorded making many of his followers jealous for not being able to travel in space as he does. The two arrived on the station in March 2015 and they have investigated the universe ever since. His current mission is said to run for 342 days; hence, he is set to return to Earth next spring.

Awesome Northern Lights sunrise display captured from International Space Station