
Conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly dies at age 92

Opponents cited her marriage to John Fred Schlafly Jr., a wealthy IL lawyer who died in 1993, as the reason she had opportunity to inveigh against liberal and feminist causes. Her job included testing ammunition by firing machine guns. He declined, but she ran and narrowly lost in a predominantly Democratic district.


Schlafly died of cancer in her St. Louis, Missouri, home surrounded by her family.

She also had some controversial comments about the Violence Against Women Act, which made major strides in protecting victims of domestic violence. “I was honored to spend time with her during this campaign”. The amendment had 30 out of the required 38 states on board when Schlafly entered the fray; it was defeated in 1982.

When Schlafly spoke to NPR’s Michel Martin in 2014, she explained her motivations for opposing the amendment. “I don’t think that’s so”, Schlafly told SiriusXM Progress. For those who have been googling terms like who is Phyllis Schlafly?, Phyllis Schlafly quotes, Phyllis Schlafly death, Phyllis Schlafly net worth, Phyllis Schlafly children you have come to the right place.

Schlafly contended that the U.S. Constitution already gives women “all the rights that men have”, and that the ERA would lead to mandatory military conscription for women.

Because Phyllis Schlafly was so negatively viewed among liberals and even moderate conservatives, it is no surprise that Raw Story compiled a list of some of her most offensive (to the left, anyway) quotes.

She died among family at her home in St. Louis, Mo., according to the Eagle Forum, a conservative organization that Schlafly founded in 1972.

“Since the women are the ones who bear the babies and there’s nothing we can do about that, our laws and customs then make it the financial obligation of the husband to provide the support”, Schlafly said at the time.

Schlafly earned her law degree at age 51, graduating 27th in a class of 204. In 2008 Washington University/St. Louis awarded Phyllis an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters. “I’m just sorry for those who tried to rain on a happy day”.

She is survived by six children, 16 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.

The two most influential women on the American Right during the last half of the 20th century were Jeane Kirkpatrick, the Ambassador to the United Nations during Ronald Reagan’s first term, and Phyllis Schlafly, who never held any public office but who influenced public policy more significantly than most anyone who did.


This was despite her son, John, who worked for her, coming out in 1992.

Phyllis Schlafly, conservative icon and foe of ERA, dies at 92