
Clinton hammers ‘dangerous’ Trump after Putin praise

Donald Trump is out with a new ad highlighting rival Hillary Clinton’s comments saying half of his supporters fit into a “basket of deplorables”.


Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said in an Israeli television interview on Thursday that terrorists are praying for her competitor, Donald Trump, to become the USA president.

Responding to a press question about whether she believed she experienced different treatment as a female candidate, Clinton said in comments carried by CNN: “I’m going to let all of you ponder that last question”.

HILLARY CLINTON: It’s a game to him. “When Putin came back, he came back, with the view that his highest goal had to be to prevent what he considers to be the – his neighbourhood in Eastern and Central Europe all the way to Central Asia from falling under European Union and American influence”, she said. The Republican candidate again cast doubt on whether Russian Federation was behind the hacking of the Democratic National Committee, a belief at odds with US intelligence officials.

“No conversation about our national security would be complete unless we acknowledged that the nominee on the other side promises to do things that will make us less safe”, Clinton told reporters.

Both candidates are hoping to capitalize on concerns about national security and paint their opponents as unqualified leading into the 8 November presidential election.

The Russian government is “probably” not meddling in the US presidential race, Republican nominee Donald Trump said in an interview that aired on a TV station funded by the Kremlin.

“What we need to do first and foremost (is) to be sure that qualitative military edge is unmatched”, she said.

But, if Lauer wasn’t good with the Clinton interview, he was really bad when handling Trump, letting him get away with “blatant lies”. “And it’s a war that, when we got out, we got out the wrong way”.

The Wall Street Journal, which is owned by another Trump critic, Rupert Murdoch, described RT as the “Kremlin’s propaganda tool” and “a television network controlled by the Russian government”, again sidelining any mention of what was discussed until later in the story. The idea that America could and should loot countries ought to have prompted Lauer to laugh. “But we’re not going to do it by just rolling over and adopting his wish list, which is exactly what Donald Trump has done”, she said.

In an interview with Bloomberg, Putin said that he was prepared to work with either Trump or Clinton.

And, following Trump’s appearance on RT America later Thursday, Clinton added Friday, “It is beyond one’s imagination to have a candidate for president praising a Russian autocrat like Vladimir Putin”. A unsafe man is creeping up on the White House and his vision for this country is not in keeping with the freedom and liberty we all cherish.


“Here is what is important, I now have more endorsements from retired flag officers than any Democrat other than an incumbent president has ever had”, Clinton said.

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