
US ambassador ‘outraged’ over South Sudan harassment

South Sudan is seeking avenues to bolster trade ties with Ethiopia through reopening of trade corridors and construction of new roads linking the two countries, an official said. “They will surely be made accountable for the war and economic crimes they have committed”, Dak said.


The newly independent country of South Sudan has been engulfed in conflict since 2013.

“The leaders of South Sudan’s warring parties manipulate and exploit ethnic divisions to drum up support for a conflict that serves the interests only of the top leaders of these two kleptocratic networks and, ultimately, the global facilitators whose services the networks utilize”.

“South Sudan, the world’s newest state, continues to be embroiled in a horrific civil war”, the report states, according to a summary seen by THR. Fighting between both sides grew into an ethnically influenced conflict that has displaced millions and killed thousands.

Peacekeepers have been admitted, but their movement is restricted, and resentment is being whipped up against the United Nations. The Council had threatened an arms embargo if Juba did not co-operate on the protection force by the September 15 deadline.

“The findings of the South Sudan panel of experts show the absurdity of waiting even one more day to impose an arms embargo on South Sudan”, said Louis Charbonneau, U.N. director at Human Rights Watch.

They had crossed into Congo with South Sudanese rebel leader Riek Machar, whom the United Nations had extracted from the same area on August 17 and handed over to the Congolese authorities, the statement added.

“It seems that a very small number of people control a large swathe of South Sudan’s economy – and many of these people are also the people that are in power”, he said.

While they stoked war and starvation throughout their stillborn country, South Sudan’s top brass amassed fortunes with the help of worldwide banks, businesses and brokers, according to a new investigation. He said he had been struck by an attitude of impunity among the South Sudanese who have enriched themselves.

One of the general’s Ugandan residences, the report said, is next door to a home maintained by Gen. Gabriel Jok Riak, a South Sudanese military commander who is among six South Sudanese placed on a Security Council sanctions list past year.

FILE – In this Friday, April 29, 2016 file photo, the then South Sudan’s First Vice President Riek Machar, left, looks across at President Salva Kiir, right, as they sit to be photographerd following the first meeting of a new transitional coalition government, in the capital Juba, South Sudan.


The report also found documentation indicating that President Kiir’s 12-year-old son had been named as a 25 percent stake holder in a holding company established in February. The voices of civil society must be elevated, not silenced.

Clooney Cheadle and Prendergast discuss The Sentry's investigation of the role of national corruption in the ongoing humanitarian crisis in South Sudan during a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington U.S