
LA May Get 2024 Olympics Bid

The United States Olympic Committee said Wednesday that if it makes a bid for the 2024 Summer Games, Los Angeles will carry the flag.


Tory said he is “very mindful” of the deadline but does not want to rush into a decision.

“This victory for the people of Boston is the result of tireless work of numerous activists and residents across the city, region and state speaking up against this anti-democratic land grab”, said the statement.

Technically, it is a country’s Olympic committee that sends along the nomination of a host city to the worldwide Olympic Committee.

“Boston 2024 has expressed confidence that, with more time, they could generate the public support necessary to win the bid and deliver a great Games”, said Blackmun.

“It’s clear that the USOC is already in deep discussions with Los Angeles about a bid from that city for 2024″, Winnicker added in an email to this newspaper.

That left the door open for L.A., which successfully hosted the Games in 1932 and 1984, to prepare its $4 billion bid to host the 2024 Olympics.

Over the past week, we have had very positive discussions with the United States Olympic Committee about how Los Angeles can present a strong and fiscally responsible bid on behalf of our city and nation.

Los Angeles bid for 2012, though the USOC named New York the US city.

Boston’s bid suffered from low levels of public support – polls showed less than 40% of the population backed a bid while the public authorities were hesitating about underwriting the costs.

“The reason a year ago I put Los Angeles forward is because I believe this is the financially responsible way and a way to re-energize this city”.

As happened in Boston, it simply becomes a massive political liability.

“I think that’s a non-issue in the case of Los Angeles“.

He said the City could deal with other hassles, such as logistics and traffic.


Tory said he is also awaiting “facts and figures” on the success of the Pan Am and Parapan Am Games and seeking information on whether numerous venues built for those games, including the aquatics centre in Scarborough and the velodrome in Milton, could be used during a potential Olympics. The victor will be decided in 2017. “On the summer side, there’s a whole generation of Americans who haven’t seen the games on American soil”.

Mayor John Tory meets with Canadian Olympic Committee president; Toronto must