
About half are proficient in first round of new state tests

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The results of the statewide English and math tests are out, and much of the discussion will inevitably focus on what school districts must do in the coming year. “They are the most advanced that students have ever taken”, said Dorn. Under a new plan pressed by Governor Cuomo and adopted by the state legislature as part of the budget, half of a teacher’s performance review could be based on how well the students do on the exams.

“Especially in the younger elementary grades, they were even more ready to take the test online”, Rich said. We’re definitely moving in the right direction.

When asked how DESE could determine if the revisions were effective, given that expectations were based on a multi-state field test, Vandeven said, “Missouri came together to talk about what we wanted to represent in the Missouri learning standards”.

Rebecca Japhet, spokeswoman for the Olympia School District, said officials there were pleased with test results, which were well above statewide results in all grades except 11th.

AMY HUNTLEY PHOTOEighth grader Jessie Huntley got plenty of attention last spring as she helped with a trial of new computer tablet testing procedures and technology at Ilwaco Middle School. I commend all of them for their work.”Dorn added that some changes are needed”. And because of this, I want to help parents understand this new process.

English Language Learners (ELLs) in New York City performed dismally on this year’s exams, as they have in recent years.

– In fourth grade, 52 percent, or 38 of the 78 students enrolled, met the English standard while 45.2 percent met the math standard.

Camas students, who typically have higher test scores, continued to do better. They represent a new baseline and should not be compared to last year’s MSP. Over 70 percent of sophomores statewide had proficient scores and won’t have to take the Smarter Balanced assessment as juniors, Mendoza said.

Graduating from high school is “way more hard than it was just four years ago”, Dorn said at a press conference Monday morning. They meet expectations for the new tests and are better than what was expected nationally.

The science Measurements of Student Progress were taken by 5th and 8th graders.

Smarter Balanced Assessments unfold entirely on a screen, which means students must have at least basic computer skills to navigate their way through the tests. In 2014, less than 1,100 students in the county refused ELA tests. But state education officials begged people not to compare the two very different exams. The district’s lowest scores were in eighth grade math, with 16.4 percent of students scoring at a proficient level.

Of students who identify with two or more races, 47 percent met the proficiency standard. For 11th graders, though, the refusal rate was almost 50 percent. “We need a better, smarter alternative for students’ senior year, rather than the current collection of evidence system”.


Also showing an increase was the number of students who opted out of taking the tests. Students who don’t meet the CCR standard have another year to improve their learning. It is important that we can make these comparisons because students will be competing against those in other states for college admission slots and jobs.

FILE- Washington Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn speaks in 2009