
Hillary Clinton’s first interview since ‘collapse’ on state of her health

President Barack Obama is campaigning Tuesday for his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, as she takes a few days off to recover from pneumonia. Clinton told Cooper that she can remember being similarly severely dehydrated twice in the last five years, and it’s something she has had to deal with.


Addressing her pneumonia diagnosis, Clinton said she thought it was just a cough or seasonal allergies, until her doctor diagnosed her on Friday. Clinton decamped to her daughter Chelsea’s apartment, and later emerged, saying she felt fine.

“I felt dizzy, and I did lose my balance for a minute, but once I got in [the van], once I could sit down, once I could cool off, once I had some water, I immediately started feeling better”, she said in an interview on CNN on September 12.

Clinton’s campaign said that she had not planned to change her appearances following the pneumonia diagnosis.

However, Trump, who shared even less information about his own medical details than Clinton did, was also bogged down in controversy surrounding his brief medical report that stated that Trump would be the “healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”. “And you know I think it’s fair to say that people know more about me than nearly anyone in public life”.

“I hope she gets well soon”. Clinton’s campaign was criticized for not disclosing her health issue earlier, and Fallon acknowledged on Monday that, “In retrospect, we could have handled it better in terms of providing more information more quickly”.

She says Clinton would have been contagious on the campaign trail during any time she was not on antibiotics.

A video posted to social media (below) appears to show the Democrat presidential candidate’s legs buckling just before Secret Service agents help her into a vehicle. It also promised to release additional records this week. Trump, 70, has said only he is in excellent health.

“If it happens to you and you are a busy, active person, you just keep moving forward”.

“Oh my goodness, Anderson, compare everything you know about me with my opponent”, Clinton added.

Drawing a contrast, Trump told Fox he had a physical last week and would release the details once test results are back.

Clinton, 68, takes blood thinners and has a thyroid condition. “We know the least about Donald Trump of any candidate in recent American history”, she said, including his foreign investors and businesses.


In an unusually restrained manner, her rival, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, offered her his wishes for a rapid recovery in his first public comments since Clinton left Sunday’s Ground Zero ceremony.

Donald Trump