
Freak Lightning Storm Killed 323 Reindeer In Norway

The plateau-like park in south-central Norway is home to Europe’s largest herds of wild reindeer, according to its website.


Officials say they believe the death toll was so high because the reindeer may have huddled together out of fear during the storm, which isn’t an uncommon thing for animals to do during bad weather. The Norwegian Environment Agency released the pictures documenting the incident, which show the carcasses of the reindeer are scattered throughout a compact area on the Hardangervidda mountain plateau. The dead reindeer were found by one of the agency’s inspectors because Norway is in the midst of its annual wild reindeer hunting season. “Then we will know for sure how the animals died”, said Nylend. The animals, including 70 calves, were found in the southern part of Norway where thousands of wild reindeer migrate each year.

“We have not heard about such numbers before”, he said. Normally, they are just left where they are to let nature take its course, he said.

Most lightning deaths that occur in groups are due to the ground current, John Jensenius, a lightning safety expert from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told The Verge.


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