
Iran gives United Nations watchdog information about past nuclear activities

Iran today provided the IAEA with its explanation in writing and related documents as agreed in the road-map for the clarification of past and present outstanding issues regarding Iran’s nuclear program”, the worldwide Atomic Energy Agency said in a statement.


According to the report, he further stressed no one without the mentioned approval would be able to visit Iran as nuclear inspectors.

Iran has submitted documents linked to its past nuclear activity, the U.N.’s atomic watchdog has confirmed, a key condition of a probe into suspected efforts to create nuclear arms.

“An acceptable deal must require stringent restrictions, including inspections without notice at all locations within Iran and complete disclosure of military nuclear weapons development to date”, says March To Save America Committee Chairman Barry Nussbaum. “Iran’s sanctions relief has to be over time, not immediate, based upon proven compliance by Iran over a significant duration of time“.

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz has joined the March To Save America saying: “The Iran deal is bad for peace, for America and for our allies”. And this is all the more true in light of the growing challenges just outside of its borders, from Israeli dissent against a weak nuclear agreement to the formation of the Saudi-led coalition to combat Iran’s meddling in Yemen.

Why did we make a deal instead of taking military action?


Albright, the former weapons inspector, said it will be hard for Iran to cheat on nuclear fuel during the first 10 years of the agreement, but it will become easier as restrictions are lifted on the scope of its civilian nuclear program. Calgary’s Peace Bridge and the Alberta Legislature grounds were the sites of the rallies in support of the Iranian nuclear deal. “Now the Iranians claim that all IAEA inspectors have to be vetted by Iranian intelligence?” Almost every U.S. spy agency concluded with some level of certainty that Saddam Hussein possessed active chemical and biological weapons programs. Its stockpiles and uranium enrichment grade will be lowered to the point that it would be impossible for the Iranians to create a nuclear weapon.

Sir David Amess MP