
Clinton has ‘no other’ health problem than pneumonia – aide

In recent weeks, Clinton’s presidential opponent Donald Trump questioned whether or not Clinton was well enough to become commander-in-chief.


As reported by BBC News, the role of a US president is tough. “She’ll be a fantastic president”.

Trump and his allies pounced on Clinton’s “deplorables” remark, but remained mostly disciplined and silent on Clinton’s health.

In a speech to the National Guard Association conference in Baltimore, Trump said Clinton’s comments were aimed at those in uniform, whether in the military or in law enforcement. That event is still taking place, but Clinton won’t be there, instead calling in from her house in Chappaqua, New York.

But the campaign later released a statement from her personal doctor, Lisa Bardack, revealing that Mrs Clinton had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday and was suffering from dehydration. This, the Telegraph claims, means that Clinton lied and was caught out by her own deception. Suddenly she admitted that she had pneumonia. So this story isn’t just about health.

Trump takes the cake in consistently throwing foul punches.

The incident compounds a hard time for Clinton as the race enters its final stretch. Instead, Clinton made a decision to keep her illness secret and carried on with her engagements.

Clinton was scheduled to fly to San Francisco Monday for a fundraiser. But those two things happening within six days of each other to a candidate who is 68 years old makes talk of Clinton’s health no longer just the stuff of conspiracy theorists.

Hillary Clinton reportedly “overheated” during a September 11 memorial in NY.

“Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies”.

But Mook did not answer when asked if campaign found out on Friday that Clinton had pneumonia. “She was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule”.

Of course, that wasn’t the only apology from the Clinton campaign this past weekend.

“In those 90 minutes, we were putting a priority on making sure she was okay”, he insisted.

Now, Clinton has to overcome the questions about her health, lost campaign time, and been caught misleading the media and the American people.


There may be some of those folks among Trump’s supporters, but we’ll bet there are some equally deplorable people among Clinton’s supporters. It will require the sort of spin that may have been common on TV’s The West Wing, but rarely happens in real life, to see Clinton emerge from this fiasco unscathed. “I hope she gets well and gets back on the trail”, said Donald Trump. “But she made a determination with her doctor that she would power through this, she didn’t want it to effect anything and obviously on Sunday, when she got overheated, it was clear that she needed some downtime”. But journalists with sources at the DNC say the party leadership likely already has planned an emergency meeting to consider a replacement candidate.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks to supporters at a rally on Sept. 12 2016 at U.S. Cellular Center in Asheville North Carolina. He criticized Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for saying that half of his supporters belong in a'basket