
Democrats see potential Senate gains in November

Five Democratic senators – called the Senate Independent Democratic Conference – vote mainly with Republicans.


In another race, Democratic Sen. The state’s Republican governor, Pat McCrory, also is in danger of losing his reelection bid. With the election of Barack Obama as president, the Democratic Party’s grip on power in Arkansas began slipping. Republicans control the New Mexico House and the governorship.

Perhaps a half dozen seats will determine the Senate’s fate – closely contested and expensive races on Long Island, in the Hudson Valley and in western NY.

Republicans are beaten back some of the liberal agenda pushed by Democrats and, in some cases, by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat in his second term.

Trump helped himself with Republican governors by picking Governor Pence, a well liked and successful conservative Republican governor.

“I’m more optimistic than I have been in a while”, said Cornyn – who last February gloomily warned Donald Trump could be an “albatross” on down-ballot races. “I’ll still be in the face of all the leaders, whether they’re Republican leaders or Democratic leaders”.

“I think it’s part of a tide that’s still moving”. The Republican dominance in state government power outside the Northeast is stunning. That same year, Arkansas voters for the first time elected a Republican, Tim Hutchinson, to serve in the U.S. Senate. Certainly there is no equivalent extreme shift by the Democratic Party to the left. The group had previously been focused on helping McCrory and on unseating GOP Rep. Renee L. Ellmers, who lost her primary. Two Democrats and two Republicans are each running in the state’s 60th District in the Buffalo area. Sen.

“The people of the state should ask themselves: How do they like the way things are going in Albany?”

In the Senate race, polls show Burr holding a small lead over Ross. If the Republicans can drop the racial wedges – which admittedly may be a big ask – and become more the party created to succor those who are disaffected from the globalizing information age, then it might win over some minority voters, and the existing party alignments will unravel in short order. “Because it’s been Republicans running the show”, he said.

By 2008, they controlled eight Senate and 25 House seats.

Republican officials sought to play down the disparity in the number of brick-and-mortar offices, maintaining that they are focusing on face-to-face contacts with voters at their homes.

In modern American politics, we saw a pretty major realignment with the rise of Franklin Roosevelt, who managed to attract both the white and black working class with his policies to respond to the Great Depression and then cement the coalition with his leadership in World War II. “We will have all the offices, staff and resources we need to win”. “What they are doing right now is registering voters on a massive scale in North Carolina”.

Farther north, Republican Sen. Simmons took over in the summer for Earl Phillip, who was accused in a lawsuit of pointing a gun at a former Trump staffer. The distinctly American feature is race. “They absolutely agree with what we stand for”, he said.

Burr, who is chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has taken a different approach than embattled Republican colleagues who have been feverishly campaigning for months.

“It’s surprising to me that Burr didn’t define Deborah Ross earlier”. “Having said that, I still think he’s the favorite”.

The state hadn’t sent a Republican to Capitol Hill in Washington since Reconstruction. They have seized on her past concerns that putting a sex-offender registry online might also expose victims who are supposed to be protected, since many such crimes involve family members.

Polls have shown Trump trailing Clinton by as much as 30 percentage points in NY, but faring better upstate. “In my opinion, it’s our last chance – I really believe that”. The Republican Party was the minority party in state government for nearly seventy straight years before the Gingrich Contract with America transformed not only control of Congress but vitally control of state legislatures, long the hardest bastion of Democrat power in politics and quietly the key to Democrat dominance of American politics.


Republican unity is the key to the type of broad Republican victory at all levels in 2016, which will allow the sort of peaceful, constitutional revolutionary change that our nation needs.

The problem with congressional inaction has not been caused by a failure of the Democrats to work with the Republicans but rather a wholesale shift in the GOP position to the extreme right