
Things To Do While Waiting For Stranger Things Season 2

Will’s friends: Mike Wheeler (Finn Wolfhard), Dustin Henderson (Gaten Matarazzo), and Lucas Sinclair (Caleb McLaughlin) start a search for him on their own.


“Stranger Things” Season 2 is a 9-episode series with the final episode titled “The Lost Brother”. One of the new characters in season 2 will be named ‘Max.’ The character would be a girl who has a tough personality and aged between 14 -12 years. Millie Bobby Brown who plays Eleven does not hesitate to do a touch of humor by saying that the funniest scene to shoot was the time of his death. “It was a bunch of pictures of movies, and it was like, ‘You have to watch these movies: E.T., The Goonies, Stand by Me”. Season two is set to premiere sometime in 2017 and promises to not only build upon the story lines of season one, but to introduce new characters and narratives as well. Though this sibling screenwriting duo has captured the hearts of anyone with a Netflix account, this is the first time either have written a television series. It focuses on the disappearance of a young boy named Will Byers, alongside the sudden appearance of a girl known as Eleven, who has incredible telekinetic powers.

Luckily, the voice of reason won out and the Duffer brothers will keep “Stranger Things” Season 2 in 1984. But this is exactly how a smattering of us felt after we’d finished watching the Netflix series Stranger Things.

This mix of earnest nostalgia and sci-fi horror prevents Stranger Things from being merely a big-budget fan film.

Matt Duffer says the new season will be very different from the first.

In “Stranger Things” Season 1 episode 2, we saw Eleven briefly recognize Will Byers in the picture.

Eleven, the supernatural heroine who spent most of her childhood in a secret government facility, didn’t exactly get out much.


Stranger Things Season 2 release is coming real soon, but fans are waiting with pins and needles and are anxiously curious of what will happen to the kids of Hawkins, Indiana.

Dustin in Stranger Things