
Buddy System Encourages Fitter Gaming; Here’s How to Make Candies Appear

If you’re just starting out with Pokemon GO’s new buddy system, you’re probably wondering which member of your ever-growing team deserves that special buddy slot.


Better late than never in this case, as people who are still digging this summer’s mobile gaming phenomenon have been chomping at the bit for it.

After a delay, and despite some obtaining the next big update for Pokemon GO prior to its official release, developer Niantic has finally deemed the much talked about Buddy update ready for mass consumption. It does not appear on the map, but the Pokemon is displayed next to the player on the avatar screen.

Protip: Buddy Pokemon can’t be placed in gyms, so if you’re looking to farm sweets for your Pokemon, try to keep 2 versions of the same kind on deck – 1 for placing in gyms, and the other weaker one (low CP/IVs) to walk around with.

Choose the Pokemon you want to have as your new buddy. To make more use of your exercise time, of course.

Added Pokemon GO Plus support. This doesn’t mean that Pokemon Go has completely fallen off the map, as Pokemon Go is still by far the most lucrative mobile game in the United States market, accounting for 28% of overall spend in the August market, which is six times as much revenue as the second most lucrative title, Candy Crush Saga.


We’ll have to wait and see if it was worth the wait, and more content would still be welcomed, but this is one update whose time had more than come.

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