
Entrepreneurs are hoping to hit pay dirt with new Apple AirPods

During set-up, the system automatically named my AirPods with my nickname stored on my phone, so when I tried to pair them with another phone, they were easily identifiable. There’s not even one connecting one earbud to the other. Are they prone to slipping out of your ear?


While Apple fans are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the iPhone 7, those who don’t own wireless Bluetooth headphones are slightly hesitant of purchasing Apple’s own AirPods due for release sometime in October. You also have to charge them, which just adds to the growing list of things that we would need to do not forget to charge. Although losing the cable eliminates the annoying “cable tug” that can sometimes yank your earphones out, you have to balance that off the risk that you will occasionally see one tumble to the floor. I fall into this category – EarPods, after more than 10 minutes of wear, now hurt my ears and the Airpods hit all the same pressure points. Unsurprisingly, the key selling point of the Strap is to “make sure that your AirPods are always by your side”, by allowing them to drape around your neck whenever you aren’t using them.

Still, if you must spend $160 for what looks like the spawn of a Bluetooth headset and a tampon, this extra $10 will at least ensure you’ll keep the damn things in your ears instead of accidentally dropping them down a sewer grate or on the floor, where your cat will be more than happy to swat them deep under the couch, never to be heard from again.

They also can’t be tangled by the mysterious headset tangling goblins that we all know exist, yet cannot be seen. That eliminates the risk of your AirPods popping up on everyone’s iPhone when you crack open the case. That’s pretty a pretty neat feature if you make use of Siri.


The headphones were released as part of Apple’s vision of a wireless future, which also saw the removal of the headphone jack from the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Will you be buying a pair?

Apple Air Pods wireless earphones