
Donald Trump’s Disturbing, Disqualifying Love Affair With Vladimir Putin

“It’s not, it’s not a serious presidential campaign”, Clinton said during a press conference Friday.


Earlier on Friday, US Secretary of State John Kerry said that the United States is prepared to do what is needed to work with allies to defend against a growing threat from North Korea.

“All of our worldwide programs, including our global health work that provides AIDS medicines to eleven and a half million people around the world, the programs that support thousands of women entrepreneurs around the world, those will be spun off as independent entities or to partners and we won’t accept foreign funding or corporate donations”, Clinton said.

Kerry said the United States remained open to “credible and authentic” talks on the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, but added that North Korea had shown it would not be a credible negotiating partner.

“There’s no failed policy more in need of urgent change than our government-run education monopoly”, Trump said at the school, blaming the Democratic Party for having “trapped millions of African-American and Hispanic youth in failing government schools that deny them the opportunity to join the ladder of American success”.

“What I want to do is make America great again and she’ll never be able to do it”, he said. But it’s also given ammunition to Clinton, who can use the topic to ramp up already existing tensions between mainstream conservatives and Trump.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump heaped more praise on Russian President Vladimir Putin during NBC’s Commander-in-Chief forum on Wednesday. “Period”, said Trump, who claims he was against the Iraq war all along, despite a 2002 Howard Stern interview in which he said he supported the invasion of Iraq.

But much of the 20-minute, measured interview with news anchor Yonit Levi was a searing denunciation of Trump and the divisive campaign Clinton said he is waging.

A message left with the Clinton campaign was not immediately returned.

Pence was responding to comments Trump made on NBC News’ Commander in Chief Forum. Pence called it “inarguable” that Putin is a stronger leader than the US president.

House Speaker Paul Ryan stated, “Vladimir Putin is an aggressor who does not share our interests”. Putin’s foreign policy is based on a forthright assertion of national interest even in defiance of worldwide norms. He declined to say whether Putin should stay out of the 2016 presidential election.

Clinton then circled back to her national security meeting, characterizing Trump’s actions as “reckless” for the country’s security.


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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump criticises US policy on Russian government-funded TV