
Doug Baldwin: Seahawks will stand, interlock arms during anthem

Baldwin didn’t give any further information regarding exactly what the demonstration will be or if it will include the entire team or certain players.


On Sunday, Kansas City Chiefs cornerback Marcus Peters, also black, raised his fist during the national anthem for his team’s home-game season opener against the San Diego Chargers.

“Anything we want to do, it’s not going to be individual”, he told the Times. But I do know that we are here to talk about the Dolphins so that’s what we are going to do today. He said the team spoke with African-American sociologist Harry Edwards for three hours about the situation in the country, and that he told them, “The difference between a mob and a movement is a follow-through”. “We need to break down those walls and barriers and get people to see that there’s perspective outside of their own eyes”.

Kaepernick has refused to stand during the national anthem as he protests what he said racial injustice and oppression of people of color in America.

Colin Kaepernick started protesting what he says are racist police practices and behavior by sitting during the national anthem before the kickoffs of preseason games, but as the regular season starts, the stakes – and his protest’s visibility – are that much higher.

Members of the Seahawks intimated the team might join in with the protest being held by Colin Kaepernick prior to National Football League games with the team’s opener this Sunday.

Chances are, the Seahawks aren’t the only team planning to do something as part of the protest that Kaepernick started.

Baldwin posted a series of tweets on Friday about Lane and Kaepernick’s protests. Like I said, it makes me want to cry nearly, just how our team has handled this and the discussions we’ve had and how we’ve come together.

Broncos linebacker Brandon Marshall took a knee during the national anthem on Thursday night in Denver before the NFL’s season opener. “Even if it wasn’t September 11, the point of the protest is to get people to think”.


Tomorrow is the 15th anniversary of 9/11, and it will be an emotional day for many Americans. Seattle Seahawks receiver Doug Baldwin stated, “I think that anybody should be thinking about that. That was an individual thing, but I’m really proud of the progress we’re making in the conversation and I look forward to continuing it with our guys”. And it’s very ironic to me that this date is coming up.

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