
Chelsea Clinton to campaign in Roanoke

According to Democrat Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, Chelsea Clinton will headline events Thursday in the Columbus and Dayton areas.


– Chelsea Clinton returned to North Carolina Tuesday to lead discussions on her mother’s economic platform, open a campaign office and encourage people to register to vote.

At both public events, Clinton will lay out the stakes of November’s election for millennial voters. Hillary Clinton canceled a planned trip to California this week, but is likely to begin campaigning again on Wednesday.

Chelsea Clinton then goes to Durham for the grand opening of a coordinated campaign office.

Her visit will come three days after Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Tim Kaine campaigns in Dayton.


Hours after Clinton, 68, nearly collapsed on Sunday at a NY memorial ceremony for the September 11, 2001, attacks, her doctor said she had been diagnosed with pneumonia two days earlier.

Chelsea Clinton to campaign in Roanoke