
Trump Angers Hispanic Supporters With New Vow to Deport Immigrants

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), who was intently watching Trump and President of Mexico Enrique Peña Nieto’s speech, called in to the John Gibson Show today to discuss the meaning of the impromptu visit.


“What is a fact is that in the face of candidate Trump’s postures and positions, which clearly represent a threat to the future of Mexico, it was necessary to talk”, Pena Nieto said.

But Trump’s proposed discontinuation of the amnesty programmes that allow “illegal aliens” to remain in the United States legally, will be alarming particularly for those people who have lived in the USA for years and have established families, jobs and lives there. “I say you’re paying for the wall and we’ll see what happens”, said Trump.

“We did discuss the wall”.

Peña Nieto and Trump met privately for an hour and later spoke to the press in the head of state’s official residence. Because he was apparently furious that Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto just posted a tweet insisting that his country would never, under any circumstances, pay for the wall.

The GOP nominee began his morning with a simple message: “Mexico will pay for the wall!” What Trump managed to do in one day on Wednesday has left some political observers still scratching their heads.

“Our message to the world will be this: you can not obtain legal status or become a citizen of the United States by illegally entering our country”, he said in a speech in Phoenix as he laid out a 10-point plan to crack down on illegal immigration. “We set up the borders, we control immigration, you levy a charge to come into the country”.

Who will pay for the wall?

“This is the central piece of his campaign, immigration and deportation, and we’re going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it”.

Mexico would not be have to pay upfront for a border wall with the United States, and could fund its construction by levying charges from travellers at the crossing point, an economic adviser to Donald Trump said yesterday (Thursday). According to an email to the Trump campaign, obtained by Politico, Pena – who could not be reached for comment – said the group that Trump had formed was a “scam”.


His immigration plan will not offer a path to legal status or citizenship: “There will be no amnesty”. “Under the Obama administration, they’ve deported about 2 million people. That’ll be for a later date”, Trump said in Mexico City.

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