
For Honor alpha test starts this week – Here’s the details and trailers

This week will see For Honor’s Closed Alpha going live on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, offering players the chance to take to the game’s brutal and bloody battlefield, to test their skills and the sharpness of their steel against rivals online.


In light of the brand new Conquerer and Berserker class being available in the alpha, Ubisoft has released new videos showcasing each hero!

The alpha will go live at 6 am PT on September 15 and run until 5 pm PT on September 18, providing “a work-in-progress slice of the multiplayer content with a limited number of players”, aimed at testing stability and generating feedback. Each Hero will bring a unique set of abilities, weapons, armor and visual customization options. And these can be played with across five different mutliplayer modes, which will include the 1v1 Duel, 2v2 Brawl and 4v4 Dominion modes. There will be a single player campaign that focuses on a character named Apollyon who played a role in starting a war between the Vikings, Samurai, and Knights to last through many years. It’s scheduled to come out on February 14, 2017. While the amount of information on For Honor has been focused mainly on the multiplayer aspect, it is not the only part of the game.


Ubisoft is a leading creator, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment and services, with a rich portfolio of world-renowned brands, including Assassin’s Creed, Just Dance, Watch_Dogs, Tom Clancy’s video game series, Rayman and Far Cry.

For Honor gets 3 new trailers spotlighting factions ahead of closed alpha