
Back to school: TV reporter makes boy cry

For one little boy, the tough part was leaving his mommy.


The young boy was interviewed by KTLA 5 News’ reporter Courtney Friel, who asked him about his move to school.

The 4-year-old was a little less sure when she asked him why.

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This is perhaps why the viral video of a little boy crying on his first day of pre-K at City Terrace Elementary School in Los Angeles, CA, seems particularly compelling. But then his face broke into stubborn, unwanted tears, and the truth was out. He paused a second and then began to tear up. He is so innocent that the video is truly adorable.

Ms Friel posted the clip from her report on Instagram yesterday, where it so far has 207 likes. “He was trying to be so brave!”

Don’t worry Andrew…I feel the exact same way…

Perhaps it was the sudden realization of what going to school for the first time really meant, or maybe it was guilt over casting his dutiful mother aside after all these years.


HollywoodLifers – what was your worst nightmare about having to go to school?

TV Reporter Makes Boy, 4, Cry Over Leaving His Mom On First Day Of School — Watch