
Infamous black metal star ‘accidentally elected to council’

And we can now test that theory, as Darkthrone drummer Fenriz has been voted into the role of local councillor in his hometown of Kolbotn against his will, thanks to the slightly odd way Norwegian politics works.


Speaking to website Clyrvnt, Fenriz – real name Gylve Nagell – explained exactly what had happened – saying he had agreed to be on the reserve list of potential councillors but had no idea he would actually be voted in.

“I said yeah, thinking I would be like 18th on the list and I wouldn’t really have to do anything”, Fenriz said.

Basically, I have to step in when the usual people who go to the big meetings are sick or something.

The inclusion of his cute kitty, who’s name is said to translate roughly as Peanut Butter, evidently had the opposite effect of dissuading voters from casting their ballots for him.

“I have to go sit there and feel stupid among the straight people”.

Parks and Recreation protagonist Leslie Knope put her entire heart into being elected to public office, and she had to overcome many roadblocks to get it done. You would be right about that point because Norwegian metal god Fenriz did not want to be on his local neighborhood council. “I wasn’t too pleased”. People love cats, and if you tell people not to vote you for something, they are probably going to vote for you. “I’m a pillar of my community!” Norwegian politics dictate that he can’t refuse the position once elected, so he will have to serve for the next four years.

Pitchfork reports that Fenriz’s band, Darkthrone, is set to release their 17th studio album, Arctic Thunder, in October.


He tells Clryvnt: “I’m in the local papers because I got voted in as a politician – involuntarily, I might add. And then you can pull out”, Fenriz told CLRVYNT.

Black metal artist elected to Norwegian town council despite asking people not to vote for him