
Zika virus reported in Northern Ireland

“The father’s blood had a level of infectious virus 100,000 times as high as the average level reported in people infected with Zika, according to a report released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…” The father died in June after contracting Zika from travel overseas.


Public Health England figures show there have been 117 confirmed cases of Zika in the United Kingdom in the same period.

Aedes aegypti mosquitos, the primary carrier of the disease, have only been found around the Columbus area, he said.

It is believed that one person was treated as recently as last week.

The Zika virus is an emerging mosquito-borne disease in the Western hemisphere.

The virus, which does not occur natural in the United Kingdom, is an infection transmitted by Aedes mosquitos.

“In both areas where they have Zika mosquitoes, they warn people to wear mosquito repellent as well as those who live around them so that a mosquito doesn’t bite them and transmit it”, Boston said.

“That particular mosquito is just not almost as effective as a vector in most situations, so that gives us reason to be optimistic that we will not see local transmission in Georgia”, O’Neal said.

While it often occurs without symptoms, the Zika virus can cause a mild illness including a fever, headache, rash, joint and muscle pain, and conjunctivitis.

“This news is an extremely worrying development and the fact that this virus has been linked to thousands of babies being born with underdeveloped brains will be disturbing for local people”, she said. It is strongly advised that pregnant women not travel to any area with Zika. Those who do contract the virus are encouraged to refrain from sexual contact for six months or practice safe sex.


Sean Bunce is the digital first reporter for the Idaho Press-Tribune.

Grant Hill Area To Be Sprayed For Mosquitoes Over Zika Concerns