
Tara Reid shares scary photo with bruised face and smeared makeup

At least that’s what fans were urging the Sharknado star to do after she posted a selfie on Instagram looking SEVERELY beat up!


Many people were commenting and telling Tara to contact the police, while others were asking if she was okay and asking what happened to her. “This is what bullying looks like #Worthless”, she wrote.

Tara, 40, later wrote: “On my new movie #Worthless”.

A day later, she returned to write: ‘I’m so excited being back in New Jersey where I was born and raised. “I’ve done 46 movies, and it’s still tough to get roles when you’re misunderstood and judged”, the actress told In Touch.

Despite the actress’ admonition against bullying, some commenters couldn’t help but post some mean-spirited comments on Reid’s Instagram account.

However fans immediately reacted to her appearance, not realizing it wasn’t real. She was also seen with mascara streaks down her face.

While some may scoff at Tara’s own experiences with body-shaming, suggesting that it hasn’t been as traumatizing for her as more serious bullying has been for others, Reid reminds us that bullying comes in many forms, to many varying degrees, and none of it is okay.

As it turns out, I was correct, and Tara’s purple Crayola marker bruises WERE for a film. “It’s Sharknado. They’re fake sharks”, she said. Tara also points out that she has never been arrested or found herself in any trouble related to her activities.

She added, “I truly feel I need to constantly prove myself in this business”.


“I’m a human. If you cut me I bleed”, Reid said.

Tara Reid shocks fans in Instagram post looking bruised for anti-bullying film Worthless