
Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump tied at 47% in new Florida poll

The poll shows Donald Trump with 41 percent support to Hillary Clinton’s 37 percent. Just 81 percent of Trump voters are firmly committed, indicating the Democratic nominee’s support is more solid.


After months of refusing to engage in occasional press conference, Clinton has sought to dispel complaints from reporters about her campaign’s incredibly tight press access.

Democrat Clinton has spent much of the summer trying to paint Trump as ill-prepared to be commander in chief and too unpredictable to make decisions that put American service members in harm’s way.

Trump did little to counter the criticism that he lacks detailed policy proposals, particularly regarding the Islamic State group.

At the outset of the event Clinton was pressed on what it takes to be a commander in chief, which she said called for “steadiness – an absolutely rock steadiness” and also “temperament and judgment”.

She promised to support Iraqi forces working to take their country back from ISIS, but drew the clear line: “They are not gonna get ground troops”. And while a majority of Trump’s supporters (55 percent) say they would trust him more on nuclear weapons policy, a sizable minority (31 percent) says they would not trust either candidate. The billionaire businessman appeared to shy away from his hard-line vow to block “amnesty” for immigrants in the country illegally. Gen. Sidney Shachnow, a Holocaust survivor who served with the Green Berets for three decades and was eventually commanding general of U.S. Army Special Forces Command Airborne.

“I have said that my voting to give President Bush that authority was, from my perspective, my mistake”, she said.

Trump on military generals: “I think under the leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble”.

Trump had previously hedged on his participation in the presidential debates, citing the need for impartial moderators. Democratic voters in both states seem to be softening a bit from last month.

Speaking from the tarmac at the airport in her hometown of White Plains, Clinton laid into Trump for those comments and for praising Russian leader Vladimir Putin during a Wednesday night joint town hall.

Mrs Clinton’s ad includes a clip of Mr Trump from July 2015 casting doubt on Republican Senator John McCain’s war hero credentials.

Trump, meanwhile, addressed his proposed border wall plan in an interview with ABC’s Good Morning America.

Trump’s engagement with the Middle East, by contrast, would be to work with governments even if they were not necessarily strong on democracy, his senior aide said.

She said half of those backing Donald Trump in the November 8 vote belonged in a “basket of deplorables”, of people who were racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic or Islamophobic. Far fewer say the focus of United States immigration policy should be on deporting immigrants living in the USA illegally, just 11 percent rate that as a top priority.


Earlier in the day, Trump attacked Clinton’s energy level, noting she hasn’t followed his aggressive traveling schedule and questioning whether she had the stamina to help bring jobs back to America.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is on pace to outspend her GOP rival Donald Trump on the air in key battleground states by a seven-to-one margin