
Interstate 35 Bridge to Glow Blue for Jacob Wetterling

Governor Mark Dayton has ordered MnDOT to light up the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis in blue to honor Jacob Wetterling.


Blue is the color represented with child abuse prevention.

The I-35W bridge is equipped with a computerized lighting system that allows MnDOT to color the bridge with light in nearly any color, and it is often lit in various colors for significant regional and national events, according to Dayton’s office.

Heinrich last week led authorities to the field in Paynesville where Jacob’s remains were recovered.


Danny Heinrich confessed in court on Tuesday to abducting Jacob Wetterling on October 22, 1989. The memorial service is scheduled to take place at The College of St. Benedict in Jacob’s hometown of St. Joseph on September 25th. Wetterling wore the number 11 on his sports jerseys, which is why Dayton has asked for the bridge to be lit for that number of days.

Wetterling burial site becoming a memorial