
Rubio’s football skills a little too powerful for Iowa boy

Marco Rubio was getting to know voters in Ankeny, Iowa, on Monday when he accidentally hit a kid in the head with a football. That’s why, according to the Daily Mail, the pigskin came out while Rubio was attending an event in a subdivision near Des Moines.


Telling the young sports stars to “find the lace of the ball”, Rubio send a number of deliveries in children’s direction. As expected, establishment “Republicans” are coming out against the comprehensive immigration reform plan unveiled earlier this week by GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. We had gotten word he was doing OK, but now we have video confirmation.

Rubio shirked the blame for under-throwing his receiver.

“It may be Jeb Bush’s self-bestowed nickname, but if there is truly a “tortoise” in this race, it’s Rubio”.

After the blooper became a viral video sensation, 4-year-old Brody Dill piped up in a clip of his own Wednesday afternoon.

Rubio talked some policy. His optimistic, future-focused campaign message already has some Democrats anxious that he would be a formidable general election opponent for front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton.


The governor also spoke about how his party can reclaim the White House. Ask Marco Rubio, who found out the hard way on his campaign trail.

4-Year-Old Kid Hit in the Face By Marco Rubio's Football Warns'I'll Be Waiting For You