
Clinton releases medical records

Hillary Clinton is “recovering well” from pneumonia and remains “fit to serve as president of the United States”, her doctor said in a letter released by her campaign.


Clinton’s prescriptions all seem normal for someone of her age, Ross says. After appearing to collapse outside a 9/11 memorial event on Sunday, the 68-year-old Clinton has remained at home recovering from what her doctor called “a mild non-contagious bacterial pneumonia”.

“She’s feeling great and I think she’ll be back out there tomorrow”, former President Bill Clinton said Wednesday, when he stepped in for his wife at a previous scheduled campaign event in Las Vegas.

But by Sunday morning, Clinton became severely dehydrated during the outdoor 9/11 memorial in NY, according to the campaign.

Mr Trump was earlier heckled when he attacked Mrs Clinton during what was supposed to be a speech on helping where the government had failed the people of Flint, Michigan.

Trump, who has thus far declined to release further medical information or his tax records, has since announced he would discuss his health in an appearance with Dr Oz.

Edward Geltman, a cardiologist at Washington University’s School of Medicine, said the information released shows her to be healthy, with normal range for vitals. Its release followed speculation that the candidate had broader health issues, rumored to be why she spent most of August campaigning in private.

Trump, 70, knows he could stand to lose a few pounds but otherwise is in great health, campaign adviser Sarah Huckabee Sanders told MSNBC on Wednesday after the Republican nominee taped an episode of the “Dr. Oz Show” in NY that will air on Thursday.

As a pair of oldies, the 2016 candidates have skimped it – Clinton released two pages by her doctor; Trump released a gushing, hastily written four paragraphs by his doctor and, in a promotional clip from his encounter with the controversial Dr Mehmet Oz, he’s shown handing over another two pages.

According to her doctor, Clinton has received two vaccinations against pneumonia – Prevnar and Pneumovax – although it is not clear when she received those vaccinations.

“My overall impression is that Mrs. Clinton has remained healthy and has not developed new medical conditions this year other than a sinus and ear infection and her recently diagnosed pneumonia”, Bardack says.

Bardack wrote a year ago that while Clinton suffered a scare in 2012 following a concussion, she was now in good health.

According to the letter released today, Clinton’s lab work was normal, she has a blood pressure of 100/70 and has had a normal mammogram and breast ultrasound. His only surgical history is a tooth extraction. Trump’s campaign released a brief letter from his personal physician in December 2015 that said he was in “astonishingly excellent” health but did not provide detail about treatment or medications.

His physician recommended Kaine add a vitamin D supplement to his diet. “The results of the CT scan revealed a small right middlelobe pneumonia; her coronary calcium score was again zero”. She is on minimal medications.


Clinton visited Bardack in early September, with general cold systems: a cough, fatigue, low-grade fever. She then fainted and suffered a concussion. “I don’t know, it had 54 likes”. In her CNN interview, Clinton noted that her disclosure is in line with what was provided by President Obama and his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, in 2012. “I don’t think so”.

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