
Who won part 1 of the final Head of Household Competition?

For tonight, we had all the action to get through, as we saw Paul put Nicole and Corey on the block, which made us all very happy. The first round is usually an endurance competition, and happily for Big Brother Live Feeds viewers, we get to watch it the whole way through and find out who won!


There are three rounds of the final Big Brother 18 Head of Household Competition, with the first one taking place after Wednesday night’s eviction. James was the only one who could place a vote and he chose to keep Nicole safe for the time being.

What do you think of the results on Big Brother 18 tonight? He did not use the POV, so the noms stayed the same and James had the sole vote and he voted to evict Corey, as a better chance to win the next comps against Nicole and not him!

That wasn’t the only information coming from the BB18 house over the live feeds. James has stated that he will throw it so that Nicole can secure a victory.

Meanwhile, Nicole also asked James if he had a final two deal with Paul.


James was the only one voting, and he voted to evict Corey, so Corey got evicted from the Big Brother house tonight. Then whoever wins the 3rd round, wins that final HOH crown and decides who to take with them to the final 2. Michelle Meyer could be the most interesting vote if the final two is Paul and Nicole, as she has stated that she doesn’t want to give the money to either of them. Which one will they honor for Final Two? Clear voting blocks will likely end up dictating which houseguest is crowned the victor, and it may not be the person who played the game the best this summer.

Big Brother 18 Final Three