
Battlefield 1 beta had an enormous 13.2m players

This handily crushes the Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefield Hardline betas, which garnered 9 million and 7 million players respectively.


EA and DICE have shared stats on the beta, and a whopping 13.2 million players signed in to play. For example, there were 62.2 million horseback kills, while 13.8 million people got run down by cars. That means more people (11 percent) deployed as a tanker, pilot or cavalry than medic. This will be available to all players – you won’t need the Battlefield Premium Pass to access this content.

Battlefield 1, the new entry of the series now in development by DICE, is still somewhat from release, but new details regarding additional content launching soon after the game’s release have started coming in. Destiny had around 4.6 million beta players across the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4 and PS3.

Another new feature players took a liking to: horses.

Senior producer Aleks Grondal thanked fans for the feedback they provided by participating in the beta.

Actual sales of 13.2m would no doubt make EA and DICE very happy.


If you want to play Battlefield 1 as early as possible, EA Access and Origin Access subscribers can start mowing each other down all over again on October 13. Giant’s Shadow will be coming to Battlefield 1 as part of a free update in December. Are you more interested in the single-player campaign that wasn’t included in the beta?

Battlefield 1 Open Beta