
Flint pastor not talking after Donald Trump calls her ‘nervous mess’

The real estate tycoon turned presidential nominee visited Flint, tour the beleaguered city’s water treatment plant, and topped off his trip with a speaking engagement at Bethel Methodist Church.


Trump made two stops in the city – including a quick trip to a water plant – in an attempt to court black voters who nearly entirely support his rival, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

During his Wednesday remarks in Flint, Trump told the gathered crowd that it seems Flint has reversed roles with Mexico.

Trump also visited a church and then a private home, then went onward to a rally in Canton, Ohio, which was his last stop Wednesday evening.

“I’ll tell you what made me feel good”, he said.

Trump criticized the decline of the city – “Flint’s pain is a result of so many different failures” – and tried to position himself as the candidate able to fix the kinds of failures that had led to the city’s problems.

“Cars were made in Flint and you couldn’t drink the water in Mexico. It’s clear that Trump has absolutely no understanding of the Flint drinking water issues”.

Donald Trump criticised the pastor who interrupted him during an appearance in Flint, Michigan, calling her a “nervous mess” in an interview after his political blunder. On his website, Fox News radio host Todd Starnes speculated that after Trump “graciously complied” with Rev. Timmons when she “ambush [ed] him in a house of Worship”, something “doesn’t pass the smell test”.

Others began to heckle the GOP presidential nominee. Green had actually quieted down congregants who shouted questions at Trump as he spoke.

The crowd quieted down, but Trump wrapped up his speech less than 30 seconds later. Starnes suggested that the “Flint preacher” may have “set a trap for Trump”, pointing to a since-deleted Facebook post from the Timmons saying the church will “educate” Trump.

Trump said: “Hillary failed on the economy. What we pray is that it conveys a fine example of a faithful, intelligent, historically African-American congregation at work, serving and volunteering among the people of Flint as we work through this crises of national impact”, said Timmons. “We can not let this story drift from national attention for any reason”. I’m willing to go anywhere, visit anywhere, even if some voters openly oppose me in a community. “I’m running to bring hope to Flint”.


This is the same protest group that successfully interrupted Trump’s August economic speech in Detroit, interrupting him 14 times during remarks to the Detroit Economic Club.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks at the Bethel United Methedoist Church