
Clinton emails search finds 1 new message about Benghazi

And perhaps the Washington Post can remind us all of the punishments the White House handed down by the Obama administration after the IRS voluntarily held a press conference admitting they had unfairly scrutinized thousands of conservative political groups?


If not, she still is in contempt of Congress for trying to erase the emails to avoid turning them over.

The Utah Republican asked the Justice Department to investigate.

The sole previously unseen email from the newly released trove came from then-U.S. Ambassador to Brazil Thomas Shannon, writing to express his “great admiration” for Clinton’s handling of her testimony at a Senate inquiry in January 2013, according to Politico.

But according to the unidentified person, he didn’t make these changes until the following March, when the existence of Clinton’s email server was revealed.

The far-ranging documents shows that Clinton used two private email servers that were located in a server rack in the basement of the Clinton Chappaqua home. In this case they accepted Mrs. Clinton’s I-don’t-recall defenses after the fact.

The Justice Department closed the email investigation without criminal charges on July 7, and FBI Director James Comey said investigators did not believe emails on the private server were intentionally deleted in an effort to hide them, but purged through normal processes.

“You have Donald Trump, who’s openly racist”, he said. Those occurred separately from the email deletions overseen by the former secretary of state’s legal team a year ago before she turned over 33,000 work-related messages to the State Department.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released its investigation details on last Friday that has posed serious doubts over Hillary Clinton’s credibility as the former secretary of State and could easily turn out to be the sole reason to blame if Clinton loses November election.

“And those sending the emails knew they contained classified information – they just refuse to take any responsibility for it, and instead blame others in the State Department”, Burr said.

Clinton dismissed Chaffetz’s request when asked about it by reporters on her campaign plane in Tampa, Fla. Yet, because Americans were gearing up for Labor Day, more likely than not they didn’t hear about how Clinton didn’t know the “C” meant classified, or how she had over a dozen devices she used to send emails, or how her staff destroyed those devices with a hammer.


But the documents offer a more granular look at how Clinton and her staff handled sensitive information.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks in Commerce Calif. The House oversight committee says it has received FBI documents related to the investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a