
Powell called Trump “a national disgrace”, according to media reports

The problem, Powell pointed out in the March 8, 2015 email, which was released as part of a massive hack on Tuesday, was that the then-secretary of state gave his now-infamous United Nations speech in February 5, 2003.


Trump’s campaign pushed back, with spokesman Jason Miller branding Mr Schneiderman “a partisan hack” whose probe “is nothing more than a left-wing hit job created to distract from Crooked Hillary Clinton’s disastrous week”.

Hillary Clinton at the CNN Democratic Debate at the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas, Tuesday, October 13, 2015.

“I didn’t tell Hillary to have a private server at home, connected to the Clinton Foundation, two contractors, took away 60,000 emails, had her own domain”, Powell wrote to former Reagan White House chief of staff Kenneth Duberstein on February 4.

Though that’s not to say Powell, a Republican, is a Clinton supporter. “I’m not going to start discussing someone else’s private emails. I’ve already spent a lot of time talking about mine, as you know”. As I have said before, ‘What if he was?’ Muslims are born as Americans every day.

Of course, Powell’s name became an instant trending topic on Twitter as the details of his emails were captured in a flurry of tweets. “We can do much better!” he wrote. – On Trump’s association with the “birther” movement early in his presidency. Powell told People that despite Clinton’s team’s attempt to “pin it on” him, “The truth is, she was using [the private email server] for a year before I sent her a memo telling her what I did”.

In another leaked correspondence, Powell slammed Trump for egging on the “racist” birther conspiracy theory that questioned the legality of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

In one of the newly leaked messages, from August 21, Powell, the first black USA secretary of state, derided Trump’s attempt to attract African-American voters.

Mr. Powell’s emails were posted online this week by the group DC Leaks, and Democrats have been pointing fingers at Russian Federation in the wake of the recent Democratic National Committee hack.

An aide to Mr Powell, a retired general who also served as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, responded Wednesday morning to an inquiry about the emails: “We are confirming that General Powell has been hacked and that they are his emails”.

Clinton returns to the campaign trail on Thursday in North Carolina after spending three days at home after being diagnosed with pneumonia. “I’m being very honest, very blunt”.


Later he blasted her and the former president. “But in 2014, he wrote, “I would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend I respect,” Vega read, “He says Clinton has “Unbridled ambition” and calls her “Greedy, not transformational”. I’m not sure he was right on it even at that time”.

Mara Flanagan4 hours ago Hillary Clinton Sympathizes With Colin Powell Over Email Hack & Takes The High Road     JIM WATSON  AFP  Getty Images