
Hillary Clinton lead over Donald Trump drops to just one per cent

But on Thursday Mrs Clinton walked on to the stage of a rally in Greensboro, North Carolina, to the sound of James Brown’s “I Feel Good”.


“Our campaign readily admits that running against a candidate as controversial as Donald Trump means it is harder to be heard on what you aspire for the country’s future and it is incumbent on us to work harder to make sure voters hear that vision”.

Clinton plans to return to the campaign trail on Thursday after several days resting at her suburban NY home.

Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump yesterday moved to show their medical fitness for the White House as Clinton released a letter from her doctor declaring her fit for the presidency and Trump taped a TV segment about his well-being.

Trump’s blood pressure was a good 116 over 70.

In some states, polls say he has pushed ahead of her.

On Wednesday, Clinton released a letter from her physician, Dr Lisa Bardack, to dispel rumours about her health. Before releasing his medical records, Trump – who would be the oldest person to ever become president – sat down with television doctor Mehmet Oz to discuss the physical results and his lifestyle habits.

It said in a four-way matchup, Clinton got 41 per cent support among likely voters, while Trump a 40 per cent and Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein eight and three per cent, respectively.

Clinton’s return to the campaign trail comes as polls show the race tightening both nationally and in key battleground states.

Clinton’s drop in lead over Trump is also reflected on RealClearPolitics, which monitors top national polls. “I’ve said it from the very beginning whether I was up, down, it didn’t matter”, Clinton said.

A new national poll shows the Democratic nominee in a dead heat with Donald Trump, while a survey of key swing states has her trading her Republican rival in both OH and Florida.

Late Thursday, President Obama and Clinton spoke at a Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute dinner.


The 70-year-old has studiously avoided commenting on Mrs Clinton’s health, since she felt faint at a September 11 ceremony on Sunday and had to leave early.

					Hillary Clinton Is Human. Hillary Clinton Got Sick.		
			By	Darlena Cunha
			5:26 PM ET
				Why is that such a problem