
New York AG Says He’s Looking Into Trump Foundation

The New York Attorney General now going after Donald Trump over Trump University has opened an inquiry into the Trump Foundation.


The announcement of yet another lawsuit against a Trump company from Schneiderman is likely to draw criticism from Republicans and others who see the move as overt political targeting from New York’s top law enforcement official.

On the Trump Foundation, “my interest in this issue really is in my capacity as regulator of nonprofits in NY state”, said Schneiderman.

“We’ve inquired into it”, he said.

New York’s attorney general has opened an investigation into the Donald J. Trump Foundation to determine if the Republican presidential nominee’s personal charity follows state law.

Trump’s campaign has repeatedly raised questions about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s own nonprofit, the Clinton Foundation, and its ties to foreign leaders.

Trump went so far as filing an ethics complaint, but it was later thrown out by the New York State Joint Commission on Public Ethics, reported Newsday. Bondi personally solicited money from Trump, the Associated Press reported.

Democrats have cited an Associated Press report that Bondi solicited the donation personally, around the time her office was debating whether to join NY state’s investigation into Trump’s real estate training school in Florida.

“The other candidate’s foundation took money other people gave to his charity and then bought a 6-foot-tall painting of himself”.

Meanwhile, both Donald Trump and his ex-wife Ivana are fighting to prevent records of their divorce from being unsealed, according to Politico. Likewise Trump said the donation didn’t play a factor.

The New York attorney general discussed the matter in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper Tuesday afternoon. The story also detailed multiple instances where Trump used the foundation to pay for charitable acts from which he appeared to be the sole beneficiary.

Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller dismissed Schneiderman’s inquiry as politically motivated.


In March, The Washington Post first revealed that that the donation to the pro-Bondi group had been misreported on the Trump Foundation’s 2013 tax forms. She and Trump have insisted her decision was not influenced by the contribution.

Evan Vucci  AP